I have a Zoomer fan with whom I’ve been having the same conversation for maybe six months now.
Him: Bro, you should totally do livestreaming!! You’ll make a fortune.
Me: Like what’s that?
Him: Like you just talk and people contribute money and you answer their questions. Check this out. Nick Fuentes made 8 grand last night.
Me: Nick Fuentes? That’s not my audience. My audience likes to read things. I don’t think anyone is going to pay for that.
Him: Come on bro! No, people love your stuff. Here, I’m going to send you a green screen and create a website for you. [he actually did these things]
Me: Eh, I don’t know. It feels stupid. And how does this work again?
Him: It’s called livestreaming. I already told you, like they give you money and then you answer their questions.
Me: I don’t know. Let’s talk about it later.
This kept happening, and he’s finally worn me down. I’m going to do a livestream on X Thursday at 9PM ET. Make a contribution at this link and write down what you want to ask. You send money, minimum of $5, I answer your questions.
If no one shows up, I’ll at least win a long running argument. If I end up being wrong, then I make money, so this is a win-win.
Let’s see how this goes.

I hope you're not offended, I prefer to read your stuff. I also enjoyed the interview with the two Mideast OF chicks, that was pretty funny and insightful. Keep up the good work.
I'm not sure if I even have any questions for you. I think what sets you aside from so many others is that you're kind of on the periphery of modern issues. You seem to bring an insight few others are able to. Most political pundits are ideologically driven, even if they're clearly wrong on an issue (like anti-abortion when the pregnancy is from a rape). I find you to be more down to earth and able to define your position on an issue from what I'd call is a normal point-of-view, usually fact/statistically based. You're a normy to a T, like not only do you feel a certain way but can prove it using studies.
I'm not sure how a live-stream will change that. I don't want to send you questions either as I feel like the topics you pick tend to surprise me, and as someone who thinks they know a lot about everything, I don't want to ruin that surprise. I'd prefer to keep guessing as to what you're going to cover next instead of answering the same blathering questions I hear every day online.
Actually, I did think of one funny thing you could do. Put on a Nick Fuentes-looking wig and pretend to be him. You could say things like "Hi, I'm Nick Fuentes and I have a really small dick and no self-esteem, so because of that I hate everything and everyone, but more specifically Jews. I choose to beat up on people I see as weak because I know I'd get my ass beat by people with stones. So, who thinks the moon is a Jewish plant made of cheese?" and things like that. You could dress up as an ape and pretend to be a groyper, I might pay $5 for that.
Btw if you ever need to interview anyone on sugar daddy dating, I may be your guy.
9pm in the U.S. is too early in the morning for Britain ☹️