New Podcast with Rob Henderson on TV and Pop Culture
So we have a new addition to the Narrative Control lineup. Rob Henderson is a fascinating guy with an unusual background, who has a good eye for class differences and human nature. He is currently getting a PhD in Psychology at the University of Cambridge.
We are going to start recording podcasts on TV and pop culture, a mutual interest of ours. Identity politics has swallowed everything, and this is especially true in areas like sports writing and cultural criticism, where practically all commentary conforms to a prescribed narrative. So maybe we can provide something different.
Episodes will be going up on the CSPI YouTube page, and also released as Narrative Control podcasts (warning: spoilers). Here’s the first video. If you’ve subscribed to Narrative Control, it should be in your feed already, and you’ll get all future episodes too.
In our first episode we discuss The Sopranos, and what makes it unique as a show. Some of the topics include:
-What is the general impression one gets about the field of psychiatry from the show?
-What does the show say about what American culture was like 20 years ago compared to today?
-Is there a relationship between the decline of the mob and the greater nationalization of politics and our mental lives?
-Has the last generation of Americans really had it that hard, or has society just become more sensitive?
-Would Tony have wanted a different life if possible?
-What exactly was the Kevin Finnerty thing about?
Hope you enjoy.