As mentioned before, I've started a new podcast on the Callin app. I realize that means my interviews are now stretched over three different shows, but since subscribing to a podcast is the easiest thing in the world and you can get updates for all of them right to your phone, I trust my audience is smart enough not to be confused here. Why three podcasts though? Well, they each do something different, and it seems possible that some people would want to keep up with only one or two of them.
CSPI is for the most sophisticated discussions, and usually that means talking to someone about their scholarly work. This week, my conversation with Jordan Lasker got into the weeds on questions like the state of social science, why many researchers have the wrong priors, and how that influences their work. The video is below. This is your periodic reminder to subscribe to the CSPI Substack for updates on everything we do.
Narrative Control is connected to this Substack and has thus far been used for TV and movie reviews and my only Ask Me Anything. I may experiment with other things there in the future.
The Callin show is the most casual. Basically, you’re listening to me catching up with a friend or talking to someone who seems interesting that I met on Twitter. Last Friday I decided to just shoot the breeze with Razib about racial dynamics of where we grew up. There’s a Q&A for the audience at the end of each episode, and people can either tune in live or listen to the recording later. If the show is not available on Apple and Spotify now it should be before long.
I’m considering whether I should do some “Meet the Randos” episodes on Callin. If you’re a rando and think your life is interesting enough to be featured, DM me on Twitter and explain why.
I’ve also been debating whether I should keep the TV and movie reviews on Narrative Control or switch to Callin. For now, I’m going to do a weekly Callin show with Chris Nicholson on every Better Call Saul episode, at 4 ET on Wednesday, starting this week. This Thursday, May 12, I’m also going to talk to Rob Henderson about Mad Men at 3 ET. In the future I may continue to release other TV and movie discussions on Narrative Control, when I think the conversation would benefit from a video and I don’t want a live audience to distract from a longer conversation.
I don't see a way to add this podcast to Pocket Casts, does Callin not have any feed options to be consumed in a podcast app?
You should just have one podcast with different labels for the content type. E.g. call the episodes with academics something like “Ivory Tower” or “Academic Analysis”.
I enjoy reading your posts occasionally but I have no desire to subscribe to three podcasts from the same person.