Last night, I recorded a Callin/podcast with Razib on his recent excellent article on the genetic history of Egypt. At the beginning, he mentioned that he had recently sent out a reader survey, which is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while. Hearing about the makeup of Razib’s readership made me think about my own, so our conversation motivated me to finally put one together after we were done.
You can take the survey here. Before long, I will write a post summarizing the results. You don’t have to answer each question, but I hope you will.
I suspect I have a quite politically diverse fanbase, so I’m interested in seeing the results. I found an image online of a survey in which SlateStarCodex fans rated various things, and I’ve copied that format, so you can tell me how much you like Ronald Reagan, vegetarianism, feminism, Joseph Stalin, transhumanism, women getting breast implants, drug legalization, etc. A handful of the questions were copied directly from the SSC poll for the sake of direct comparison.
UPDATE: Some people in the comments mentioned that they gave 3s to people they’d never heard of. It’s better to just skip those questions, so as not to bias the results.
‘Claire Lehman’ after the listing of several of the harshest dictators in history made me involuntarily wake up my neighbors.
Should have allowed for ""never heard pf this person or issue/know little about this person or issue