I think if he was a real pimp, why is she getting the money from Cameron. Isn’t that the pimps job?

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I doubt it if the clientele is those in a high-end resort. But I guess you're right, I'm unsure exactly what a pimp does in this situation. And now that you mention it, it's strange that Lucia only talks about needing to pay the pimp when she's with Albi (if I recall correctly). Like when her and Mia are alone they never talk about how they need to get the money to pay him. Unless I'm forgetting a scene.

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Nice point from Rob about the photo--I missed that, but I think he's exactly right. Another thing I'd say is that I think you guys are looking for some great mystery in Ethan's character and behaviour towards his wife when there really isn't one. The show's just pointing out (accurately, in my view) that complete monogamy really doesn't work for men. It just leads to the kind of stultifying passionlessness that we see in Ethan and Harper's relationship. Ethan's not attracted to her anymore because men (and probably women, too, to some extent) crave variety. I don't think the show's against traditional relationships, but it suggests that they work best if both partners tacitly acknowledge that to stray is human, and perhaps healthy.

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You didn’t discuss the homosexual manager trying to date the really attractive receptionist. That seemed very odd that she would assume she’s lesbian. Seems really naive of a 40-50 something woman. There was nothing to suggest she liked women.

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We discussed that in the last episode. I wanted to bring up that I didn't think it was the way lesbianism worked, but forgot.

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Is the book Cameron has suggestive of the story? The gay guy mentioned the mafia so maybe it’s hinting about that story arc

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One point for not cheating is that I think Ethan’s wife said Cameron got a book and then he came out with a book. Maybe he heard though.

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I think people have low standards for what counts as a right wing show or whatever. I can’t remember what exactly Rob said about this or who he attributed this view to but I think this show is far from it.

The only heterosexual married couple with children is dysfunctional. The prostitutes are sympathetically portrayed. There’s full nudity and sex scenes. The characters use drugs, talk about threesomes, are promiscuous, have sex with prostitutes. Lots of people are gay or bisexual. I think a right wing show would portray this very differently.

What it does do is not go full woke. It parodies liberal attitudes to some extent. When they right a right wing person having an opinion it doesn’t seem too far fetched and malicious. That’s about the best you can ask for. So I think that’s why people consider it more on the right than it is.

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I didn't say it was a Christian conservative show. It's skeptical of identity politics, believes men and women are different, and mocks wokeness. Yes, it has sex scenes, it's not 7th Heaven.

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Yeah I agree you definitely did not say that. And yeah I think that’s accurate.

It’s an interesting show. The talks are fun.

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